Jaime Prefers Video Games

So he said he'd leave the books for other people. He was selling newspapers at the market in the Park Blocks. He told me his favorite musician is Michael Franti, and that at a Portland show one time, Jaime was selling newspapers to a line of people waiting to see Franti perform. Nobody was buying papers, he said. Then all of a sudden, Franti appeared from the back of a limo and greeted Jaime and gave him tickets to the show, a CD of all his songs, and invited him backstage afterward. Franti is a musician who has made a film about people in Iraq, Palestine & Israel, hoping to bring attention to the effects of war on ordinary people. Jaime says Franti walks barefoot everywhere he goes, so occasionally gets turned away from hotels and restaurants. "Until he shows them his Visa card," Jaime says. "Then they open the doors wide." 20110613-010426.jpg


Roxie Went With Mary, Mary


Nolan Chose Trask