Your support helps fund librarian shifts, community outreach, book purchases, and bike maintenance.


Donate books or supplies

Donations by appointment at our office in SE Portland. Or by mail: PO Box 13642, Portland, OR 97213.

To donate in-person, please email with either a list of titles or a photo of the books (spineside stack). Due to storage capacity, not every donation will be accepted.

See our WISH LIST for the book titles/genres most helpful to us right now, and the supplies we can most use on the library shifts.

Please consider purchasing a requested book for Street Books at Annie Bloom’s bookstore, where they’ll give you 10% off!

Become a monthly sustainer

Make a recurring donation to support Street Books all year.

Or send a check to:

Street Books
PO Box 13642, Portland, OR 97213

For Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) our legal name is Street Books, our mailing address is PO Box 13642, Portland, OR 97213 and our EIN is 45-4081674.

Keep in touch