Finding the Good News

Big thanks to these Portland citizens: Andrea, Phyllis & Warren, Kathy, Ginny & Gordon and Julie - each of them recently wrote to offer books to Street Books, and then made the trek to the EcoTrust building today, to drop them off.

Kathy's son is a police officer, and she told us that a few weeks back, she hit a low point. The headlines were full of news about recent deaths of black men during police stops, and several different fatal attacks against police. She decided to enter the phrase "Good News" in a search engine, and that's how she found out about the Street Books project! We are grateful for the books Kathy brought us, and very glad to have met her today. Julie lives in Seattle, but she learned about Street Books while visiting Portland, and emailed to let us know about a collection she recently published of writing by women who have experienced life on the streets, Original Voices: Homeless & Formerly Homeless Women's WritingToday, her nephew delivered a copy for us, on Julie's behalf. Gordon and Ginny gave us like-new books, and said she couldn't imagine being without a good book to read. Andrea is a retired educator who looks for opportunities to give her time and energy to help make the world a better place. Phyllis offered a donation, and her husband Warren delivered. All of these fine people are part of the fabric that makes up the Street Books community, and we are better for knowing them. Thanks again, everybody.


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