Invincible Summer: Street Books Edition

In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer.. — Albert Camus

The Street Books librarians are continuing to do the work, through the “winter” of covid-19, through social distance guidelines and masks, through the powdery next-day residue of tear gas deployed by federal agents on Salmon Street (though thankfully, as of this post, they are no longer bursting out of the federal building each night, deploying the noxious stuff). We are continuing to connect with our patrons on the street, to deliver reading glasses and books and offer a community to people outside. We are excited to announce new partnerships in St. John’s and with Rahab Sisters on SE 82nd Avenue. Stay tuned for details in our newsletter, which will come out this week.

Though we will post occasional updates to this website, you can access more current, on-the-ground updates via social media, on Street Book’s Instagram & Facebook pages. Keep in touch and stay well.


Come Together: 9.30.2020


Black Lives Matter