We Believe in Books
The crew at Street Books is always reading something, together and apart. Books we’ve read as a team the past couple years include: White Fragility, Robin D'Angelo. So You Want to Talk About Race, by Ijeoma Oluo, Emergent Strategies by adrienne marie brown. Conversations about reparations in essays by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Nikole Hannah-Jones. This essay by Jesmyn Ward which broke our hearts in half.
May 25 marks a year since George Floyd was killed. It is impossible to catalogue everything that has happened since that day in Minneapolis, but the racial justice uprising sparked by his death is now global. The work calls for a reckoning, for renewed understanding, and we believe some of this can be found inside of books. Our mission is to empower people on the streets through access to literature and to create a community of support for people living outside through a shared love of books. As we mark the anniversary of George Floyd’s passing, we commit all over again to participate in working to repair harm, to center marginalized voices and to help remake a world in which there is space for everyone at the table.