Street Books Summer Launch: June 6, 11-1

It’s Street Books 12th Summer Season of providing bicycle-based library books and community to our neighbors living outside in Portland, Oregon. We want to celebrate! Support us by donating reading glasses, coloring books, graphic novels, and art supplies, (colored pencils and gel pens especially). These are popular with our library patrons! And of course, your financial support is always appreciated. To donate books, please consider purchasing from smaller, independent bookstores like Third Eye Books and Annie Bloom's Books. (We are not currently accepting hardback books due to the weight on the bikes and in people’s backpacks - thank you for understanding!)

And Join us for Street Books Revelry in the Park Book Celebration and Summer Season Kick-off featuring Leapin’ Louie Comedy Cowboy, Portland Taiko, a kick-off of our 12th season with our brand new library bike, cake and cookies! HOMEpdx will be serving their regular Monday lunchtime good food and hospitality.  Monday, June 6th, 11:00-1:00 in the South Park Blocks between SW Jefferson and SW Madison- in partnership with our community partner - HOMEpdx!

Where to donate: 

  1. At the Summer Season Kick-off Event (see info above and please join us!)

  2. At the office - We are located at SE 12th and Stark on the ground floor of the St. Francis  Apartments please see the hours we are there and let us know you are coming by emailing!

  3. Community-Owned, Worker-Run Alberta Co-op Grocery- 1500 NE Alberta St. Portland, OR 97211

  4. Financial donations, reading glasses and art supplies can be mailed to PO Box 13642, Portland OR 97213


Celebrate With Street Books


March News From Street Books